Terms and conditions

Dive and Tumble Holiday Program

The following terms and conditions apply to this application and your acceptance for enrolment in the Sydney Olympic Park Sports Venues (Aquatic Centre & Quaycentre) holiday program. The terms and conditions will apply until further notice. Any changes to the terms and conditions  will be notified in writing on the Sydney Olympic Park website.

Privacy Policy

The Quaycentre (“Centre”) and Aquatic Centre are divisions of Sydney Olympic Park Authority ("we, our, us"), which is a NSW Government agency that sits within the Department of Planning cluster.

We are committed to the protection of member’s privacy and personal information. Your privacy is protected under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. Personal information may only be disclosed in accordance with the exemptions provided under the Act.

We will only use the personal details you voluntarily provide us for administration purposes related to the facility or service for which it is being completed and when we communicate information to you regarding any of the Centre’s facilities, programs, services or promotions that are deemed appropriate to your interests and needs and which may enhance your use of the Centre.

Any personal information that you voluntarily provide to the Sydney Olympic Park Authority (5 Olympic Boulevard, NSW 2127) will be held in a data base shared with the Department of Planning. You have the right to access and correct the information.

We will not make your personal information available to any third party except for the Office of Sport and Venues NSW unless it is necessary as part of the provision of this product or service.

Full details of the Privacy Policy.

I hereby give consent for my child/children to attend the Dive & Tumble Holiday Program. I understand that it is my responsibility to fully and adequately enquire of and to disclose to staff and/or any other authorised person, any circumstances which could affect my child's safety or any activities I do not wish my child to participate in. I understand that activities may take place within the Aquatic Centre and at Quaycentre. I also understand that some activities involve a risk of personal injury and/or property damage. I understand that the Venues will not be responsible for any accident/loss or injury suffered by my child/children during the course of activity. I hereby authorise the staff to organise medical or hospital treatment as they see necessary, at my expense.

Drop Off & Pick Up

Parent/guardians must accompany children into the Centre and sign their children in and out of the Holiday Recreational Program at the activity room between the drop off times of 8.30 am – 9 am and pick-up times of 5 pm - 5.30pm. Participants will not be released or accepted into or from instructors care until the nominated parent/guardian has signed them in and/or out. A child will not be released from our duty of care if the guardian/carer picking up the child is not registered on our enrolment form. Due to staffing requirements, children that remain after the collection time of 5.30 pm will be charged a late fee of $10 per quarter.

Cancellation Policy

Credit will be granted for cancellations as a result of illness or injury only when a request is made in writing and supported by a medical certificate.  A program may be cancelled if insufficient enrolments are received or if a coach is unavailable. In this event, you will be notified and be eligible for a credit or refund.

Code of Conduct

Participants involved in the school holiday programs are expected to maintain a standard of behaviour which includes listening to and following instructions of coaches, respecting other participants, patrons, staff and equipment. Misbehaviour impacts on the safety and wellbeing of participants and coaches alike, and is not acceptable as part of our programs.

Food & Drink

All children are required to have a water bottle. Although there are facilities in the centre to purchase food, children will not be permitted to use the facilities. Children are prohibited from purchasing anything from the vending machine during care hours. Parents must pack enough for morning tea, afternoon tea, lunch and refreshments for the day.


Children must bring appropriate clothing to the program. This includes hat, enclosed shoes, suitable clothing for sporting activities and recognised swimwear. Children attending the gymnastics programs are advised not to wear jewellery, watches, zippers, belts, or buckles. Any child attending program that does not have the appropriate headwear, clothing or footwear will not be able to participate in the centres activities.

Injury Liability

There is always a risk of injury when using the equipment, facilities and services. The Quaycentre and Aquatic Centre does not accept any responsibility for any such injury and participants must accept that risk. Participants must disclose to is any circumstances which may affect their safety or increase the risk or injury.

Medical Treatment

All participants consent to receive any medical treatment that the centre staff consider necessary or desirable throughout their attendance.

In The Event of an Emergency

If the Quaycentre or Aquatic Centre was subject to an emergency evacuation, please do not panic but take directions offered by the designated Fire Warden. It is important when moving around the venues during an emergency that you do not run. Please listen and follow the instructions that are given by the trained staff. Your child will remain in the care of the coaches/staff whilst moving to the assembly area, we ask that you meet their class at the assembly area and please do not take your child without the permission of the Warden, as they may result in putting a staff member or emergency services in danger while they look for your child

Sickness and Communicable Diseases

Please respect our precautionary health rules and refrain from attending if your child is suffering from any of the following: ANY contagious disease e.g. conjunctivitis, rubella, flu, gastro, fever, common cold, runny infected noses, sore throats, cold sores, ringworm, head lice and hand foot and mouth. Or any illness however there is any risk, however small, to other users.

Media Release

Agreeing to the terms and conditions allows us to the use of images of your son/daughter participating in the Dive & Tumble Holiday Program for the purpose of promotional material. You hereby waive any right to a fee for the use of these images and understand that Sydney Olympic Park Authority will have the right to distribute the said items at their discretion. Please advise staff if you do not adhere to the above media release terms & conditions.