Good news day

03 Mar 2023

With 430 hectares of parklands in Sydney Olympic Park and habitats ranging from wetlands, grasslands to forests, the chance of encountering one of Australia’s unique wildlife is ever present. You may not notice them on your walk or ride through the Park, but you’re sharing this beautiful green space with 250 species of native animals, from tiny woodland birds, increasingly rare in urban areas, to migratory shorebirds that visit from as far away as Siberia.

A Helping Hand

Sometimes wildlife gets in trouble – chicks can be blown out of the nest in high wind, reptiles may become road victims to cars or bicycles, and other animals may fall prey to introduced animals including pets.

Recently, an eagle-eyed member of the public spotted a young Ring-tailed Possum on the ground while walking on Louise Sauvage Pathway in Narawang Wetland. Thankfully he knew how important it is to get help quickly. He was quick to contact the Authority’s Park Rangers for assistance. WIRES – trained wildlife rescue and care volunteers – was also contacted. 

Local Wildlife Needing Help

It is important to keep injured or sick animals in a warm, dark and quiet place. Park Ranger Julie kept the young possum warm in a towel. She noticed that an adult was sitting 4 metres up in the tree looking down, so instead of going to a vet clinic straight away, she waited for a while. When the young possum started moving, she placed it on the tree below the adult, moved away to observe from a distance, and watched the young possum clamber up the tree slowly, eventually reuniting with its mum.

Calling for Help

This was a wonderful outcome for the Ring-tailed Possums and we thank our Park Rangers and also the member of public for his kind and timely act. If you find any injured or sick animals in the Park, please contact Park Rangers on 0408 864 798

Birds in Need 

*Note: the chicks of many of our native birds leave the nest before they can fly; their parents are often nearby and they do not need help. If you find a chick on the ground, please observe if the parents are nearby. If you think it’s in harm’s way, please contact a Park Ranger first for advice. 

For animal rescue outside of Sydney Olympic Park, please contact WIRES 1300 094 737 or Sydney Wildlife Rescue 9413 4300.