How to be a good Park user
The Park is for everyone, and it takes all of us to make our visit a pleasant experience.
Many people appreciate the opportunity to exercise or socialise in nature, and Sydney Olympic Park’s expansive parklands and natural environments rank highly on our visitors’ reasons for visiting the Park. With over 300 hectares of wetlands, woodlands, grasslands and parkland, the Park offers an incredible array of opportunities for the community to connect with nature in the urban heart of Sydney.
Protecting the Park: Responsible behaviour and reporting
The Park is for everyone, and it takes all of us to make our visit a pleasant experience. Some behaviours can negatively impact the Park, and we appreciate your reports on these issues, as it helps us respond quickly to minimise potential damage.
- Rubbish dumping or escaped litter – litter can be very dangerous for wildlife. Animals can die from accidentally eating balloons and small plastics, or from being entangled in string.
- Fire caused by arson, cigarette butts or used coal – many parts of the Park have suffered fire damage; fire destroys habitats and poses a serious risk to Park users!
- Damage to Park assets – carving on trees, driving or parking off path, vandalism.
- Harm to plants and animals – picking plants, catching animals (including fishing), dumping unwanted pets and feeding animals. Large areas of the Park have been declared Wildlife Protection Areas. Dogs are not permitted in certain areas and need to be on leash everywhere else. Cats and other pets are not permitted in the Park, even on a leash.
- Feral/introduced animals – foxes, cats, rabbits and other introduced animals will compete with or prey on native wildlife.
- Sick or injured wildlife – animals can fall sick or become injured (hit by car, attacked by a predator). It’s important to provide help as quickly as possible.
By avoiding irresponsible behaviour and reporting your concerns, we can keep the Park a wonderful place for everyone for years to come.
Why it's vital to wait for staff assistance
Some of our visitors live locally and visit frequently, and the Park feels like home to them. When a serious or pressing issue appears, it may be tempting to address it on the spot. However, the Park has a long and chequered history that many people do not know. For example:
- the Park was an uncontrolled landfill for many decades; the waste was consolidated and capped in the largest remediation effort in Australia just before the 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Digging in the Park is not allowed, because you may expose asbestos, contaminated water and release landfill gases!
- An introduced fish species commonly known as mosquito fish (Gambusia holbrooki) infest the waterways around the Park, and many ponds in the Park. This fish is a terrible threat to our wildlife, and costs incredible amounts of time and money to manage. Please do not enter ponds for any reason (e.g. to release or transport wildlife or take photos of birds), because you may transfer mosquito fish into places where they are currently absent.
If you have any concerns, please do not take matters into your own hands. Sydney Olympic Park Authority staff is here to provide advice or assistance, and we would love to hear from you. You can contact us 9714 7888 or via our website.
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