Turtles too!
Turtles are included in the roost design with the geofabric dangling into the water, inviting turtles to clamber up and bask in the sun. Sun basking is important to the health of turtles. Both the Eastern Long-necked Turtle and Macquarie River Turtle can be found at Sydney Olympic Park. It is hoped both species come aboard and join the roost party at Teal Pond.
Neighbours Nurturing Nature Program
You are invited to get involved with the Neighbours Nurturing Nature Volunteer Project. It provides the community with the opportunity to participate in valuable projects that protect and enhance the threatened flora and fauna found at Sydney Olympic Park.
An enthusiastic team of volunteers from the program will monitor the success of the new floating roost over the coming months. You can join in the fun -watch this space for exciting developments in Teal Pond!